目前分類:電信通訊 (13)

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Apple has 350,000 apps in its App Store to Android's 250,000. However, the rate at which apps are coming into Android's store is faster than Apple's App Store. In the next few months we expect the stores to be equal.

Source: Business Insider 2011.03
Reference: http://www.businessinsider.com/chart-of-the-day-smartphone-apps-2011-3

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Source: Gartner 2010.08
Reference: http://www.hot3c.com/read.asp?class=1&id=15797

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Source: 資策會MIC 2007.06
Reference: http://www.2cm.com.tw/markettrend_content.asp?sn=0708220015

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Source: CNNIC 2008.06
Reference: http://news.ccidnet.com/art/951/20080724/1519459_1.html

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Source: MultiMedia Intelligence
Reference: http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800532925_617723_TA_695e9615.HTM

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Source: Forward Concepts 2008.06
Ref: http://www.eettaiwan.com/ART_8800526773_617723_NT_12426d12.HTM?click_from=ARTICLE_ALERT

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Source: Digitimes 2007.10

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Source: iSuppli 2007.10

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Source: Digitimes 2007.8

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Source: Digitimes 2007

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Soucre: 資策會 2007.6

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Source: 資策會MIC 2007.6

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Soucr: 資策會 2007.6

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